Deep Well Dewatering

Benefits of Well Point and Deep Well Dewatering

Dewatering a worksite refers to a reduction in ground water levels. At Dewater Solutions we know the benefits of well point installation, and deep well watering.

Water management is a key aspect of many projects, and a number of ways exist to address the issue. Choosing a dewatering solution requires a comprehensive overview of the project, including an analysis of ground water hydrology and soil conditions.

Without maintained water table management, excavation and construction can create an unsafe work environment, and result in foundational instability, placing structural integrity at risk. Technology and innovation are vital components of cost-efficient dewatering.

Well point dewatering application

Proven effective in a variety of environments, well point dewatering is a popular option across various sectors. Contributing factors span affordability and ease of use. Another positive is suitability across varied soil conditions, from sand to silt and gravel.

Well points are installed at predetermined locations, placed in accordance with the Dewatering Solutions system specifically designed for the site, including connecting piping. A suction dewatering well point pump creates a vacuum, drawing forth unwanted water.

Careful monitoring and water table management are essential. We prioritise on-site operation, maintenance, and monitoring systems, integral to complete service. As dewatering experts, we recognise co-ordinating with the site schedule is paramount.

When to use well point dewatering

This water management process is generally used for dewatering of shallow depths up to five metres initially, but for deeper scenarios, a second stage can be implemented. Our well point clients span but are not limited to the construction, mining, and civil sectors.

Projects, where well point dewatering is the preferred method for ground water lowering, include building foundations, pipe work, and trench work. Other scenarios also apply. If unsure of your needs, speak to our team for an expert water management consultation.

Where deep well dewatering is viable

A dewatering option, deep well suited to sites where a large volume of ground water requires removal, and/or at increased depths exceeding well point specifications, often for prolonged construction periods. As a result, these pumps are comparatively higher cost.

Unlike well point dewatering, deep well dewatering does not rely on a vacuum, but a borehole with a slotted liner, and an electric submersible pump. The resulting hydraulic gradient ensures the pumped water is pushed into the well to form a cone of depression.

DWS is your Perth Dewatering Experts

For two decades we’ve provided dewatering solutions to businesses across Western Australia. Our experts prioritise cost-effective solutions with environmental considerations, delivering workplace safety and project performance through exemplary service.

We understand both the West Australian environment—and the associated project paperwork. Our informed technical prowess, and on the ground efficiency are backed up by knowledge of and experience with the relevant logistical departments in WA.

We’re here to reduce your stress and smooth the running of your project through effective dewatering, keeping you on schedule. Our team gets that time is money, and budgets are fixed. As a privately-owned business we know long-term customer satisfaction is paramount.

Require a breakdown of your options? Talk to us for a competitive quote, and know that when working on a project, the committed Dewatering Solutions team is on call 24/7.

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